
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?
my ref 9.2s are going in next week for se, if anyone has upgraded how long before you got them back, one other thing does any of you use the p-8 preamp with you amps, i find the combo a very fine marrage.
Yes, 9's with p8 sound excellent and work great with the Paul Speltz anti ic's. Very good combo.
Jp1208, I am very interested in the Speltz. I haven't gotten back with you, but I upgraded my 8.02b's to 8.05's, which allows me to upgrade further. Thank you Casey for the clarification(because I know it's you). I'm now on maybe 15 hours on the 8.5's. So far(and they recommend 75 hours of music), the 8.5's have the midrange, but I also miss(although, it's maybe contrived) the added treble detail of the 8.02's. I'm using Signal Cable Silver Resolutions, which have Eichmann Silver RCA's. Boy, do I love a discussion! I've done some other things, but I think that Jp1208 is the final arbitrator on this. It seems like, so far, that the 8.5's don't have that treble detail that the 8.02's had. This is on analog, and that's not a negative on the 8.5's, as their midrange is so something, but Jp1208 has both the Speltz and the Silver Resolutions. He just needs to compare them both on analog. Let's open this up? I want to thank Jp1208 for even telling me that I could upgrade(I had given up.).