seperates over integrated. Why?

This is a general question, raised by an experience today.I own a Tube Technology Seer pre, and today turned down one of their integrated amps at $700. I'm running home made triode monoblocks through the preamp with Fi Phy and Ear 834p and the preamp's phonos, and One thing audio Quad ESL57's. All these years of gradually changing gear, and thinking about cables, and all the different bits of gear, just buying an integrated sure sounds good right now. The Tube Technology pre's phono stage is up there with the other 2, only being inferior during exhaustive ABing. So whats the fuss? All those cables degrading the signal with seperates, or "it all in together" integrateds vibrating and cross-talking the signal away? I ASK THIS CONFUSEDLY.
Thanks Joe. Couldn't agree any more. To clarify my position succintly, I would bet anybody any amount that if your Orchestra Reference were split into a pair of monoblocks and linestage, the performance would be even better than a single chassis unit. I did not mean to infer a comparison of unlike products (Atma-Sphere, Granite, and Jadis); that was my error.
Talking about seperate components, I've tried so many one box cd player but was never satisfy. I would say I tried more than 20 different cd players but none of them give me the sound that I want.
Having transport and DAC provide a much more airy, analog and deep sound.

I probably couldn't show all of that, but at least you’re hinting at some actual facts as to why separates may be better. I appreciate you not taking the condescending approach - "it's better cuz I said its better, indisputably"

Okay Stanhifi you convinced me........just kidding.
This depends on the price point we're looking at. As I said before, if we're talking about an amplification system retailing for $30K, separates will be superior. But can a separate system be built to compete with the NAD 320BEE integrated for $499?
>>But can a separate system be built to compete with the NAD 320BEE integrated for $499?<<
Of course not but price was not an integral part of the discussion.
Robm321, not condescending just being factual. Ask any designer or engineer involved in the trade. Perhaps you'll understand it with more experience in the hobby. Thank you.