Anyone Compared the KRELL 650MC to Pass XA200s?

I really need and would appreciate the truth to this...
KRELL 650 MC to PASS XA 200 Mono blocks...
Please help us with the speaker match so we know more about your system. Without that info I can say that you should have speakers that are sweet and rich with those amps as they are bright and then. The Krell is the brightest of both of them and tends to be grainy. If you have speakers that are dull and lack control in the bass they would work well though.
Used to own a Krell FPB600 driving Eidolons. Auditioned an XA160 but it had trouble bringing out the bass on the Eidolons. The Pass was wonderfully sweet however through an Eggleston Andra.
The Krell would be a below average match with Avalon Osiris. Avalon's are ruthless with detail and will show off the hard sound the Krell has. Look at the Pass or better yet some big tubes like VTL 750's or the like. (LAMM) In solid state amps look at Gryphon, Essence, Coda, or any lush solid state amp.