New Digital Switching Amplifiers

Anyone had the luxury of comparing any of these fine digital switching amplifiers to eachother or to other high end amplifiers such as Pass, Krell etc?

Channel Islands Audio
PS Audio GCA
I own a Bel Canto EVO2-the newest gen2 model-
had it about a year now and all i can say it is
it is very very good.To get the most out of it You need a really good Source and Pre-Amp.I have a Audio Research cd3mkll Cd player and Audio Research PreAmp-Ls16mkll
and with good MIT cable both to speakers and as interconnect in a balanced configuration and Vandersteen 3a Sinature Speaker-the sound is magnificent-some of est I have heard anywhere.
How can someone say that digital amps(actually, some of the Japanese ones I heard in Best Buys gave me a headache also-but I'm thinking Nuforce here{yes, I know they really aren't digital amps}give them a headache, but not notice that cd's give one a headache?
I know with me some do:
"When I had the PS Audio, it gave me headaches like when I listen to CD's from the Cranberries"