Looking for a tubed Preamp around $2000 Used

I’m looking for a used tube preamp. Preferably with a tube phono section in the $1,500-$2,000 range. I’m thinking BAT VK-30, (I Know it dosn't have a tubed Phono,) VAC Standard as well as the Juicy Music Blue Berry. Any thoughts comparisons would be most appreciated. I listen to 60% rock 30%jazz 10% classical.

I currently have a Thornes 520 turntable a Sun Step up transformer for an Otoforon MC cartridge. Adcom 750 Pre (Can’t wait to replace), Wadia 301 CD Player, Sun 2A3 Push-Pull Mono’s and Cabasse 401 speakers.
A used Counterpoint SA-5000 would be about $1500. It's an excellent preamp and phono stage as-is and amazing when modded by Mike Elliott (Alta Vista Audio).

You might be interested in my Granite Audio 770. It has a tubed linestage, phono stage, and power supply. I have had the chance to compare it against a lot of stuff and it has bested most. I have compared it to a BAT VK-31SE and thought the Granite to add a touch more body and emotion to the music. The other pre I compared it to that day, a Hovland HP-100, performed on a virtually equal level. I am looking to move up to a Audio Research Ref3 and truely feel I have to go up to this level to get a significant improvement.
I have a recently upgraded (11/04) Audible Illusions Modulus 3-A with "gold" phono board, black and bronze anodized faceplates, boxes, manuals, tube kit, review articles. I upgraded to a Reflection Audio OM-1.

I simply haven't gotten around to listing it for sale. I think $1300 plus shipping is a fair price.