Proceed AMP5 in protective mode

My Proceed AMP5 has a flashing standby light. According to the manual, this means the amp has gone into protective mode. I shut it on and off but no joy. Checked speaker wires and no shorts. The amp is plugged into a Monster power bar. No apparent power surges or lighting etc.

Doesn't seem to be a reset button outside like most amps have? The manual suggests calling tech support. (What support from HK!?!?!)

Has anyone had a similar problem. Does anyone know if there is a reset switch inside? Does HK still repair Proceed gear?

THanks for any info or suggestions.
Roofus, does the unit sound different?
Hey there Dbtrucks how are the Genisis. Are you done looking for speakers? Nuforce is working really well for me. The sound for the money can't be beat.
The unit does not sound different but I am from the old school. I believe that cartidges, prea-amps, speakers, etc sound different. Amps pretty much work or don't work!
Roofus, the Nuforce amps in my system are twice as good as the Procced was. My room has never lit up like it does now. The instruments sound much more realistic and bigger.
The bass is lightning quick and deep which only happens on world class ss amps. They do not work with every speaker as dbtrucks explained to me. DB had them running a pair of wilson sophias which are hard to drive on the low end and these did it with ease. I think Amps make a huge difference, at least that is what I am hearing. When I get the Proceed back I am going to put it up against the Nuforce one more time even though I know what the results will probably be.
Lest one think Proceed stuff is troublesome, I have owned a PAV, Amp 2, and Amp 3 for years without incident. Several years ago I added a newer PAV and its PDSD, and these units have also been trouble free. Once, I dropped the Amp3 when pulling it from a rack -- I had forgotten how front-end heavy it is with those 3 big tyroidal power transformers. I shipped it to Madrigal; they fixed and updated it, and shipped it back to me all without charge, even though I told them I was culpable.

Regarding your post:
He told me that the Nuforce 9 amps are superior to any amp he has heard including upgraded amps he has worked on.

Was he refering to a stock Nuforce? :c)