Pre-Amp Reliability -- 4th time mine has conked

Arrrrghh ... My PSE Studio SL pre-amp just conked out for the fourth time in 15 years. PSE has always been nice enough to fix it at no cost to me -- even after the warranty long expired -- but it's still a big annoyance having to send it out, wait weeks for it to come back, etc.

Couple of questions for the board: (1) Based on the history I've mentioned above, is my reliability less than average for a pre-amp ?, and (2) If so, what would be a good recommendation for a replacement ? I'm running a pair of Vandersteen 3a Signatures and a pair of Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers. If I have to replace the pre-amp, I will probably replace amps (two PSE Mk V monoblocks) as well, so amp recommendations would also be appreciated. Looking for sonic quality -- and reliability !!!

Thanks very much for your help.
I have owned different models of conrad johnson pre-amps over the course of several years and have never had any problems. I am not familiar with your make and model so I can not comment on the manufacturers reliability record. I would not, however, be pleased with having it break-down four times in 15 years.

4 breakdowns in 15 years for any high end component IS outrageous contrary to another opinion. A well designed and built unit should not fail that often period. Tubes, of course, are an exception.
I would like to clarify my previous post. I was not excepting tubed equipment; simply vacuum tubes. Sorry for any confusion.
Classe DR5 no repairs in 16yrs. Audio Research and VAC preamps have required no repairs either. I think 4 breakdowns in 15 yrs is excessive.