Amps for Vandersteen 3A Signature SS or Tube?

Any Vandy owners care to comment about the combination with one of the following or make any other recommendations?

1. Levinson (33x or 43x)
2. Rowland (new or old monos)
3. Nuforce (Reference 9)
5. Ayre (V5x)
6. Belles (350A Reference)

1. Conrad Johnson (Premier 12 monos)
2. Antique Sound Labs (DT 1009)
3. Jadis (Defy 7)
The Defy 7 is a great match and one of the best tube amps ever
made. Outstanding combination.
There are other threads on sum up though, the best I've heard on the 3A Signatures are the BEL 1001 Mk Vs and the Quicksilver V-4 Monoblocks.
I have a pair !!!!!
My setup is Audio Research LS 16 mkll pre,
BEL Canto EVO (gen2)amp,Audio Research Cd3mkll CD player,
Vandys like yours,MIT interconnects and speaker cables-
The sound is dead neutral and oh so spacious and musical-
those speakers are capable of magic !
I installed a dedicated line for the system and put a Shunyatta Hydra 6 and use their pwer cords - Power Snakes-Diamondbacks mostly and an Anaconda.Really superb!
I cannot say enough good things about The Bel Canto!!!