Why do you never near anything about Spectral

Back in the 80's it was considered the creme de la creme. I haven't heard a word about the company in years. Did they go underground or are they just servicing markets outside the U.S. If you know about the companys present day operations I would like to know.
It's because they refuse to provide reviewers with samples. When HP reveiwed the DM360 amp a few years ago he had to borrow it from a reader as Spectral wouldn't give him one. However the UK distributor has given some review samples to HiFi+ magazine, I've seen at least one Spectral review in there in the last couple of years. Check it out on their website, www.hifiplus.com, they list all of their issues and contents. Great mag!
I'm surprised to read that Spectral would refuse to offer The Absolute Sound review samples. HP has been very generous in his praise of Keith Johnson the man, his Spectral products and his Reference Recordings in the past.
Excuse me people,can't the reviewers/magazine, buy the product in question and test it? DaaaH? There is got to be something else envolved.
Jond is correct. Buying equipment is not an option for the magazines since the value drops a LOT once the box is open (except for very popular, in-demand items) and the magazines can't afford to do this as a policy. There's never been a time that I can recall when Spectral wanted its equipment reviewed. Ask THEM why.
Buy the equipment? Are you trying to bring integrity to the review process. How will the editors & their minions get their industry accomodation? They suppliment their income with the resale. The entire process is a farce.