Integrated for B&W 805 Signatures

Ok guys, simple question, I'd appreciate some input on those that have some knowledge here. I recently sold everything and started over, acquiring a pair of these 805 Signatures and I'm looking for a good integrated. Price is important, but flexable. Popular one's I've read up on:

1) Classe CAP-151 (new CAP-2200 is pretty pricy)
2) McIntosh 6500
3) Plinius 9100
4) Music Hall Mambo
5) Musical Fidelity
6) Many tubed players, but have 2 under 3yrs old.


You should also consider the Bryston B100 SST integrated amp. It's an excellent unit with sufficient power to drive your 805's. For more info, click on the following link:
Musical Fidelity works really well with B&W 805. I used the A308cr pre-amp and amp with my B&W Silver Signatures for a couple of years.
The full Class A Mambo, especially with the full Parts Connexion mod, is most definitely something to be reckoned with. Close to the very best sound I have ever heard.
These are great speakers. Some consider them to the best of the original Nautilus speaker line. That said, get the best that you can afford.

I would suggest solid state. (B&W usually works best with SS.)

You might consider the Krell 400xi. You will at a later date be able to upgrade your system by adding the FPB amps and using the 400xi as an excellent preamp.

Congradulations on you excellent choice of speakers!

Having owned them with Musical Fidelity A308 integrated with Signature 805's, I can highly recommend this combination. Perhaps the new A5 would be just as good, if not better. I like the fact that the Classe is on the top of your list. Not sure if that means anything or not. However, since B&W owns classe, the two seem to go together quite nicely. One of my good buddies owned the new pre and power amp from classe to mate with his sig 805's. Much better than my musical fidelity, but a lot more pricey, also.

I would try either of the above way before tubes. Not sure that I can recommend Bryston to go with the Signatures. That may produce a fairly bright sound.

I agree with DRrdiamond, you have some of the best monitors around. My only advice is this: give them their fair shot, if you have to wait a while for an upgrade to an amp that will really show them off, take the wait and keep the speakers. They are unbelievable. Better, I think, than the new 805S. Although not everyone agrees with me. I've owned both, but not at the same time.