Sonic Frontiers Line 3 preamp issue

I have a Sonic frontiers Line 3 preamp. My problem is that both left channel single ended output connections only produce sound when reverse polarity is selected. When it is not selected, there is very low distorted sound with a buzzing noise. I retubed the preamp to emsure it was not a tube problem but to no avail. If anyone has knowledge of what could be causing this I welcome any and all informartion on what could be causing this problem. If not, would someone please recommend a good repair shop that would be able to know how to rectify this problem.

Thank you.
Get a hold of Chris Johnson at Parts Connexion after all he designed the product and still does upgrades & repairs to S.F. equipment.
I would suggest calling as email response can be quite slow do due how busy they get.
Toll free number: 1-866-681-9602
Direct emial address:

Good luck.
It's probably the switch, but, your description of the sound, sounds like a fuse.