Tube pre-amps with Home Theater bypass...

Has anyone done recent research on the offerings of tube pre-amps with HT bypass?

My budget is up to around 6k, but flexible. I've just recently added the Cary 303/300 and I'm leaning towards their products...but tube pre-amps are unfamiliar territory for me and we have NO local choices. I'm in Alaska, so even a 4 day drive for audition is out of the question:)

I do get to Seattle a couple of times a year, so I could do some auditioning...

Just curious if there are obvious choices that I am overlooking...and better deals (I'm not opposed to spend much less).

System is Denon 5803, Cary 303/300, Rega P25, Denon 3910, Krell FPB amps, B&W Nautilus 802 front

Phono stage would be a bonus in the new preamp...I'm using Acoustic Sig Tango(solid state) now.


Rogue Magnum 99 w/HT can get it with a decent phono stage as well.
$6k will easily get you into an Audio Research Ref2 Mk2. You'd get the killer preamp you're looking for with the pass through with about $1k to spare.

At any price point it is best to go and listen but at what you are looking at spending I would take some of that money and take a trip.

I can think of three tube pre's that have not been suggusted yet. Rogue Audio, the system I listened to it in was a little on the bright side. But that could have been any number of things.

Second would be MacIntosh although this system was a little warmer than the rogue It was still a shade on the bright side.

Last would be the Musical Fidelity KW750 Pre. It uses minature military grade tubes so you cant tube roll. I have yet to hear this piece because I havent had time to go listen since my favorite dealer got theirs in.

I use a A308 Integrated with my N803 and am very satisfied.

I owned a Cary SLP-98 P pre-amp for about two years. Mine was not the Upscale Audio F1, direct coupled version, but I will answer any questions I can. I do not believe there as a HT/Cinema bypass on this pre-amp.