BEL 1001 amps. Specs and ordering

Does anyone know how to contact the owner of Brown Electronics Labs about their BEL 1001 amps? Also, Are the amps pure class A and can anyone compare the sound to other high quality amps?
I'm currently using Channel Islands D200 mono blocks with Odyssey Lorelei sepakers.
Thanks for the help in advance.
They are Class A and put out 50 watts in stereo and 200 watts in mono. I believe Dick Brown prefers you to work through his dealer network. I'm not a fan of the amp run in stereo. Sounds kind or boring to me. Much better in mono but that'll cost you $8000 for a pair. Not worth it in my opinion. I prefer Belles, McCormack, Ayre and Muse to Bel.
Hi Narrod, the amps are not pure Class A. That's a myth. I'm not sure which version you listened to, but it's obviously not a current version. The Mk V is better than any current Ayre stereo. However, you're absolutely correct in saying that they are better in Mono block. The soundstage opens up and things become more live and natural.

Typically, when people don't like the amp it's because of what's in front of it. This amp hasn't got a sound of it's own. It just transfers what it sees from the preamp.

Hi Michael,

It may be a myth but that is how Dick describes them. I have heard the Mk V as I have all the other iterations. My opinion is based on those experiences. I much prefer the others, especially the Ayre, to the Bel. Different strokes.

