BEL 1001 amps. Specs and ordering

Does anyone know how to contact the owner of Brown Electronics Labs about their BEL 1001 amps? Also, Are the amps pure class A and can anyone compare the sound to other high quality amps?
I'm currently using Channel Islands D200 mono blocks with Odyssey Lorelei sepakers.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Well, I know I am going to take a shellacking for this, but here goes: A "great" amp, properly designed and built, tube or SS, should not be "sensitive" to cables. C'mon, guys, people are taking your money.
Let's please not get into a cable discussion. No one, believer or skeptic, is going to be convinced.


Thanks everyone for all of the imput about BEL and thanks especially to Mikej for answering all of my questions offline.
It is interesting how many different opinions there are about these amps. I think I may try an and older version in stereo first to see if I like the sound.
I'm really looking for a great amp at a somewhat reasonable price (up to $4000 used), but I'm probably kidding myself as my amps sound pretty darn good. If anyone can think of a must hear amp in the under $4000.00 used price range please let me know.

I'm going to take your advise and listen to a BEL if at all possible before buying.
I also agree that the preamp is very important. I have a really good one. It's a Symphonic line tube pre. I've compared it to several other well regarded preamps and I like the Symphonic Line much better.

A couple of people mentioned cables and I used to think that as long as they were decent, it didn't matter much which brand you choose. Now that my system is good I hear differences in all of the different cables. I'm currently using NBS monitor 4 interconnects and Audience Au24 speaker cables.

Enough rambleing from me.
Thanks again for all of the input and if anyone knows of a great, relatively reasonable amp to try in my system please let me know.
Hi Turek, you're most welcome. I'm happy to help. Good luck with your search!! I'm looking forward to hearing what you end up with.
Turek, what did you end up doing? I too am thinking of BEL, and Ayre for an SS amp for my Merlin VSM-MXe (they like underdamped amplfiers).