Modwright SWL 9.0SE -vs- Aesthetix Calypso?

I was just wondering if anyone out there has owned both, heard both, or compared both the Aesthetix Calypso and the Modwright SWL 9.0SE preamps?
If so, what were the sonic differences between the two?
Which is overall sonically superior?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Angela, I wish I had some experience to offer, but I've not heard either of those models.

Would you consider contacting the companies just to get their take on the units, and possibly how they compare. The info might have to be taken with a grain of salt, but you might get enough of a foundation to build on with further inquiries.

It always works best if you can get comments from a person who has experience with both, but usually that doesn't happen. AND even if it does, you cannot be certain of their preferences, or whether they coincide with yours.

Good luck! Merry Christmas!
Write to member Tvad...I'm pretty sure he put the Modwright up against some pretty stiff competition recently. I don't know if the Aesthetix was the challenger...

Yup. And nope, the Aesthetix wasn't one of them.

I believe it comes down to what sound you prefer, Angela. The Modwright is very extended, dynamic and punchy with accurate highs. It's not particularly warm, yet it has just a touch of midrange bloom compared to the First Sound Presence Deluxe II, which is a very neutral tube preamp, in my opinion, and was replaced by the Modwright SWL9.0SE.

From my personal experience hearing a few preamps in my system (VAC Renassaince and CJ CT5), the Modwright is closer to the VAC house sound than the Conrad Johnson house sound. I, too, would be curious to hear the Calypso.
Thanks for your responses so far!
Keep 'em coming.
Merry Christmas to all of you as well!
So far I prefer the Modwright to

Exemplar Exception 2
Thor TA 1000 MK2
CJ 17LS2
Supratek Chardoney

I have had many others, but in a leser price range, and all of the above are more $$$$.

I am waiting for a Dodd refence pre-amp to come my way, after Gary is done with the upgrades. Than I will send this one back to Dan for his..

Sorry I cannot help with the Calypso, but, for the $$$$, and the quality, I feel the MOdwright is just KICKASS good.

Good luck in your journey, and let us know whatcha do.