Modwright SWL 9.0SE -vs- Aesthetix Calypso?

I was just wondering if anyone out there has owned both, heard both, or compared both the Aesthetix Calypso and the Modwright SWL 9.0SE preamps?
If so, what were the sonic differences between the two?
Which is overall sonically superior?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
I can't be of help either in the comparision. But in my system, the Modwright SE equiped with NOS Tungsol tubes was a disappointment. Main issue I had was a lack of soundstage depth, width and height. Presentation was foward with a non-relaxed sound. Kinda like a solid state grip. Not very transparent or detailed.

Reb1208, what's the rest of your system...amp, speakers, source?

This info could be helpful for those looking for synergy with the SWL9.0SE.
This is Dan Wright of ModWright Instruments. First of all, thank you to those who replied with positive experiences. To the last poster who was not impressed with the unit, I do wonder if it was fully broken in. The unit requires a full 150+ hours for the teflon signal caps in particular, to fully break-in. The unit can sound a bit closed in until full burn-in has been achieved.

I will not apologize for the units accuracy, dynamics and control. It is NOT an overly tubey sounding unit and will not impress those who like the warm and romantic sound of some tube designs.

I prefer a sound that is natural and neutral, with some tube warmth and the presence and body that only tubes can bring. The 5687 tube we use is unique in terms of its dynamic character and linear operation.

I honestly know of the Aesthetix units by reputation only. I believe that one of our dealers may have compared these two units, but am not sure if it was the Calypso or a different Aesthetix model.

We have a growing network of dealers and international distributors. These are all hand-picked by me, to assure that they offer the level of service that ModWright is known for.

I chose dealer representation rather than going factory direct only. I want our customers to have the opportunity to personally audition and evaluate the SWL 9.0SE for themselves.

I am very pleased with the performance and success of the SWL 9.0SE. It conveys the ModWright Sound exceptionally well. This will not necessarily be for everyone, but so far our detractors have been VERY few.


Dan Wright
President, ModWright Instruments Inc.
Hey Dan, I have been curious about these because of the overwhelmingly positive response in this forum. The Calypso is the next preamp I am planning to try because I run all balanced equipment. Any plans for a fully balanced unit?
There seams to be some confusion over the Sonicraft platinum capacitors. They are NOT teflon. The cap is a hybrid design that happens to use teflon film as one of the ingredients. The unit was fully broken in.