Parasound, McCormick, Odyssey - best under $1000

I am looking for a new amp to power my Von Schweikert vr4jr's and until I can afford that Krell or Pass Labs amp I am stuck with this budget. What are your opinions on these amps. Are there others I should consider. Thanks, Wade
I think you should try one and see how you like it. They're all good power amps. I'd be inclined to get a Parasound. There's a brand new Parasound 1500a for 600 bucks.
I have tried many including the Parasound. I think a great value in a SS amp at $1000 used is the Marsh Sound a400s amp. 200 watts per side. Need to use the XLR inputs for best sound. Get adaptors if you need them. The Marsh is amazing. In fact it will surprise vs the big $$ Pass amps etc. It is that good. I use one with my Dali Grand speakers and a Bel Canto pre6 - very good sounding. I also own a tube amp that I swap in and out when I want a change.

I have owned more great SS amps then I should have (to much buying and selling)and the Marsh takes a backseat to only one - the Mcintosh MC402. The Mac is the finest amp I have heard. The Marsh is in the league of the JC 1's, Belles 350A monos,Krell and others. A few years ago Absolute Sound felt the a400s amp was amoung the very best they heard - great review. Seems the industry has now gone on to the latest amp "star".

Deep, powerful and controled bass. The highs are amazing with no SS glare. Full and big sounding with world class transparancy. Bill
I'm using an Odyssey Stratos with my VR4jr's with good success. I haven't tried either of the other amps listed, but considered one of the McCormacks at the time.
Used McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe for right @ $1000.00. Be patient as they come up on Agone regularly