what is the REAL deal with DK

I know there has been a lot on this manufacturer, but I just discovered them myself(today). I have never read so many positives while at the same time read so many negatives on any on amp(or any product for that matter). At the same time they are getting huge pats on the back from two different magazines? Could some owners of the Dk vs1 mk 2 offer there opinions that still own them, I maybe looking for an intergrated hybrid that has some power and this is the only one that seems to fit the bill in my price range. So...why the extreme positive and negative?!
Still wondering why the two magazines gave the dk such impressive praise? I guess what everybody is saying is that the marketing got in the way of an outstanding product? I have a Cayin ta-30 integrated and was looking for some more power along with the mixture of the tubes with solid state. Just trying to figure out if it would be that dramatic of an upgrade?
Still wondering why the two magazines gave the dk such impressive praise?

Ever heard of advertising dollars? I see that DK buys a cover page on Stereophile. I don't know what mags you're refferring to, but money talks volumes.

Frankie u, When you get the chance to tube roll if you can try the Amperex PQ's.They work great with this amp in my setup at least.I ended up getting the pinchwaist's and they are even better.My friend brought over some Siemen Cca's and they give you a very nice sound but a tad to dark for me but that would be personal preference.I don't know but I sold my ML ref-32 and Plinius 100mk-3 as to me the DK is just more musical and realistic.Good luck on your tube hunt.Regards,Bob
I am still surprised that there are DK bashers out there. And what was wrong with DK's marketing prior to LSA Group purchase? To my knowledge, DK is the only company that gave out 3 brand-new amps to regular audiogon members who have been on Audiogon since the beginning and then asked them to write a completely unbiased review that is not driven by advertising dollars. To me this sounds like a company that means business and is willing to prove it. Lets see Krell do something like this. And do you think the reviews on the Krell will be nearly as good as the reviews on the DK, given that they are completely unbiased?
(I have only listened to solid state amps before).
I listen to classical music.

I listened 1/2 hour in store with theta cd player
and 3 different bookshelf speakers. I think it sounds pleasant, not accurate...I guess thats how tubes sound.

If I would buy it it would be for its appearance. It has a power meter nice light and substantial build.