what is the REAL deal with DK

I know there has been a lot on this manufacturer, but I just discovered them myself(today). I have never read so many positives while at the same time read so many negatives on any on amp(or any product for that matter). At the same time they are getting huge pats on the back from two different magazines? Could some owners of the Dk vs1 mk 2 offer there opinions that still own them, I maybe looking for an intergrated hybrid that has some power and this is the only one that seems to fit the bill in my price range. So...why the extreme positive and negative?!
(I have only listened to solid state amps before).
I listen to classical music.

I listened 1/2 hour in store with theta cd player
and 3 different bookshelf speakers. I think it sounds pleasant, not accurate...I guess thats how tubes sound.

If I would buy it it would be for its appearance. It has a power meter nice light and substantial build.
jmcgrogan2, the mags were positive-feedback and soundstage I believe, and the reviews were not just reviews they one editors choice and so forth.
>>It is simply the best integrated amplifier on the market period<<

Funny stuff!!!
I bought my DK Integrated before the hype started on Audiogon and have lived with it in my system for just over 1 year. In stock form it is a very nice sounding amp. If you get into tube rolling it really can make it a great amp. I sent mine to Parts Connexion about 2 months ago and had a full modification of the amp. I am extremely satisified with the results. I am in the process of working on a review that I will post on Audiogon. I am not affiliated with DK or Parts Connexion other than being a very satisfied user. I replaced my Krell KSA 100s & Krell KRC preamp and wouldn't go back. Hope this helps.
charlie101, if you don't agree that it is the best integrated than what is? I am really trying to find out. I would like it to be a hybrid, if not it has to be a tube integrated with some slam or a ss with it's normal attributes along with a nice midrange and upper end for less than 3000$?????