BAT VK-75SE & VK-51SE break in time

I have just purchased pre-power from BAT (VK-75SE & VK-51SE)driving Sonus Faber Cremonas floorstanding speakers. I just want to know how much time will be needed for the amps to break in and when it will be safe to crank the volume. My dealer told me that I should start the real listening after 60 hours and evaluate cd players (I am searching to buy a player) after 300 hours!! I am at 40 hours at the moment.
Are your speakers broken in? and if so how long do you have them?
The Bat's and all Tube gear need at least 100hrs, 300hrs max, you're close.
Btw the matching sounds very very good IMO.

The Cremonas will have their first birthday next month. By now they have over 1000 hours on them. Btw I have just started listening from the amplifiers some of the things I was expecting this morning (by coincidence I reached 100 hours). To tell you the truth I had started doubting my purchase (taking into consideration their prices), but if they continue to improve over the next 2-3 weeks they will probably reach my expectations.
Calling Savourdos - We are ready for a follow up now . . . I think it's been over 300 hours . . .

I'm expecting a stellar review considering those components are fairly widely acclaimed.

Results? Envelope please?