Best tube preamp, cost not object ?

I´m interested on one tube preamp, only LINE. I heard in the last CES the Kondo and Messenger preamps, and really they sounds exceptionally well, but I can´t heard others, almost the Emotive audio epifania.The ARC Ref 3 and Lamm seems to be in a second league.

I will be pleased to know if you heard in the past, or personally you owns, the emotive audio epifania or others, as CJ ACT2, EAR 864,deHavilland mercury, Aestethix Callisto, and which is your opinion about them in relation to the Kondo, epifania and Messenger.

And finally one more question, if you don´t to pay so much money for one tube preamp, which will be the best posibility for you, among the following list? Modwright,Herron VTSP-2, Tron Syren, EAR 864, Eastern electric Minimax, MARSH 2000T, Aestethix CALYPSO, Supratek.
I have owned the Emotive, CJ ACT,and EAR, I also tried the Herron, I have recently purchased the First Sound Paramount and I think it tops all the others in most ways. Put it on your list.
I, too, have recently been looking for a very good linestage. I have not heard most of the top candidates in my own system or systems that I have some familiarity. I have heard a top level Kondo and the Audionote (uk) M-8 and M-10. These are all terrific. But, I REQUIRE remote control of at least volume and I do have some space limitations. These eliminated the Kondo and Audionote models (actually, price eliminated them as well).

I auditioned an Epifania in my own system. It was a prototype that had remote control of volume, balance and mute. It did NOT have the latest refinement, which is teflon caps, but I was assured by the designer that the teflon caps could be removed, and the price reduced, if I did not like the result. I have decided to purchase the Epifania. It has so much more of that "breath of life" that makes listening a much more intimate experience. It is hard to explain the sensation -- one has to experience it. By the way, the new on-line magazine -- Tone-Audio ( -- has a recent review of the Epifania. I read the review after placing my order for the Epifania; I think it is quite accurate.
..i will second the first sound 'paramount' is great and can be upgraded to an even better level if desired.
I own and love a Herron VTSP-1A and have heard great things about the VTSP-2. However having looked at the photos from CES by Larry at High End Palace, I told my girlfriend that I was considering embarking on a life of crime to raise funds for the stunning two chassis Air Tight Reference Preamp. That was a good idea as I later found out that little number retails for a cool $25K! Oh well, somehting new to dream about...
there really is no 'best' at any price. lots of cost-no-object though. the synergy with your amp, source ,and speakers can make a lot of difference.