Best tube preamp, cost not object ?

I´m interested on one tube preamp, only LINE. I heard in the last CES the Kondo and Messenger preamps, and really they sounds exceptionally well, but I can´t heard others, almost the Emotive audio epifania.The ARC Ref 3 and Lamm seems to be in a second league.

I will be pleased to know if you heard in the past, or personally you owns, the emotive audio epifania or others, as CJ ACT2, EAR 864,deHavilland mercury, Aestethix Callisto, and which is your opinion about them in relation to the Kondo, epifania and Messenger.

And finally one more question, if you don´t to pay so much money for one tube preamp, which will be the best posibility for you, among the following list? Modwright,Herron VTSP-2, Tron Syren, EAR 864, Eastern electric Minimax, MARSH 2000T, Aestethix CALYPSO, Supratek.
The Modwright SWL9.0SE is scarily close to the First Sound Presence Deluxe II in resolution, detail, and linearity.

But, that doesn't answer your question, which I agree is impossible to answer.

I bought the Modwright SWL 9.0SE ... and I think it was the single best audio investment I have ever made.
I have to agree with Tvad, that is a tough call. My votes go to:

Tube Research GTP-4 and maybe their new solid state preamp (Transistor Research Labs) which I've going to hear today.

That's right, Audioezra, I'm listening to your new preamp today before it ships out to you. :)


I would add the Supratek Cabernet linestage to your list. The combination of life-like dynamics, natural tone and refinement is simply phenomenal. This thig sounds like music.
"The Modwright SWL9.0SE is scarily close to the First Sound Presence Deluxe II in resolution, detail, and linearity."

Well that's disappointing. I was sort of entertaining the First Sound products after reading about them on this thread, but I was unimpressed by the SWL9.0SE. For the money, it's pretty good. I was just under the impression that the First Sound stuff was beyond it.