Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Wellfed, please let us all know if this testing actually takes place...I would be very interested to know the result.

As for this tweeking buisness, why don't you all go get a radio updated atomic clock, that way you can have near perfect representation of time in your environment...That is what I did.
An audiophile named Wellfed
Is trying to get in my head
He says that this clock
Makes a Bose really rock
But I think I'l do cryo instead
So, Audioari does not like my sarcastic responses?
Lets see... what does Audioaril post:
Every post concerns either buying DK or praising DK stuff.
Sounds like a DK dealer, or owner to me.
So maybe he just doen't like sarcasm? Maybe he doesn;t like POTATOES? don't know.
If this thread had any merit, I wouldn't be trashing it, would I.
The only interesting thing about this thread is that folks are gullible enough to fork out $200. for NOTHING but "PUFFERY".
And that someone wants to accept a challenge to compare powercords.
As far as clocks go.. Who cares. Anyone who wants to try the clock out SHOULD try potatoes and paint cans and automobile engines in their listening room.
And the best thing they should try is hypnotizing themselves into whatever they want to believe can happen... without having to spend money on it.
Elizabeth, as I said, if you don't want to try it fine. I have not either. How do you know if it is "puffery?" We will leave it to you to try potatoes, paint cans, and engines. No that won't work, you won't try anything; right?