Searching for power amps with low damping factor.


searching for (solid state) power amplifiers with low damping factor.
Around 200 at 8 ohm.
(Modest input sensivity is also a key here, but most important is damping factor)
All suggestions and info is greatly appreciated!!

You could mail me directly so i could save the findings.

Thanks for looking in to the matter!
Why not just put a resistor in series with the speaker. Not much power would be "wasted" for a big reduction of damping factor.
I forgot to mention the original Monarchy SM70 as a viable solution. Dampening factor should be pretty low. Pure class A, Single ended with no negative feedback.
Since when is 200 low? 20 is low. The first Ayre amp had a low damping factor, as it is open loop. The new ones are also open loop, but maybe higher.

I know service guys who would stick a resistor in the output of cheap receivers to keep amps from blowing up as easily. Gives it "that fat party sound", as they would say.