From Krell to McIntosh - Anyone?


i am currently using Krell FPB 600c and Krell KPS 25sc, since i lean towards system synergy, i am looking at a complete/only McIntosh rig.
Mainly because my speakers sounds at their best with power amps with low damping factor.
The MC 501 and MC 1201 seems nice, but what are the trade and/ or trade offs - if dumping the Krell system?
Krell's sense of drama and viceral impact is something special, i wonder what happens if i am going McIntosh.

The MCD 201 seems to eliminate the need of a dedicated (stand alone) pre amp. It also does both cd and sacd (mp3) and is equiped with an analog volume control.
MCD 201 and the MC 501 or 1201.
Anyone done a compairson of these brands, able to explain?

ive owned both krell & mac gear,they have huge sonic difference's between them but both make excellent gear,it really boils down to what type sound you prefer.
Testsp, i am very sorry for the inconvenience you experienced with the second hand value of your equiptment.
I know the deal, sadly! The downward spiral could come fast. In this moment i am not looking for any brands particular value for the money (i hope you understand what i mean?). I am just trying to understand/ learn, what differ the Mac's from the Krell's in some key areas.
Krell has the immpecable control, clarity, viceral grip, impact and more, but occasionally missing some warmth, emotion/ romanticism and bloom. But yes, the Mcintosh is very beautiful with it's retro-futuristic look
I wonder if anyone could make me boil for the Mac's?
Krell is still a diamond, unpollished to some and clearly overpriced to most.

Thanks for sharing,.. everyone!
i'm a mac person, but your krell stuff is really nice...keep it.....should drive any loudspeaker into audio heaven.