Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?

This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?
Kjgp, is this an audio forum, or a congressional hearing? I mentioned above I've had several ICE amps in my system. I didn't feel it was necessary to write my life history. Yes, one was the little Peter amp. It was a 500A analog supply amp too. It also sounded much better in my system than the solid state. The H2O Sig kills it, though.
Denf, the Nufocre 902 is a lot better than Nuforce's original 8. So is the H2O Sig better than the original H2O. I am not saying the H2O is the best amp for all systems. It's far from it. I am saying my system is awesome.

I have done a lot of things externally to maximize the H2O's delivery. My preamp is custom made, my cables and interconnects were revamped, and my front end is tuned nearly perfectly.

There is nothing more better I'd like to see than a head to head contest between UCD and ICE.
Muralman1 - point well taken. You are right on the money when you state that NO amp (including the H2o or the NuForce) will be the best for anybody's system. Just too many variables, room acoustics, system synergy, AC quality, personal taste/predudices, etc., etc..

Nothing wrong with your enthusiasm for the H2o either! I'm the same way when I find something I feel is exceptional. I think the fact that you have been pleased with the H2o for such a long time now, speaks volumes. Many times an audio love affair starts off bright but then dims as listening hours get logged on for a particular device.

Right now the NuForce is king in my system, but my own audio nervousa always keeps my amplifier-nirvana goal a moving target.

Scintilla - I used the TAD 150 Signature for preamp when I auditioned the H2o. Don't get me wrong, it was by no means a "bad" amp, just didn't trip my aural trigger at the time. I have read & talked to quite a few other 'philes that also LOVE the H2o, so I might audition the Signature version again in the near future, but again, I really like the performance-per-dollar ratio of the NuForce at about half the price of the H2o Sig.
Humanmedia...I stand corrected. NuForce doesn't use the UcD module. Based on what I read its design approach is more like UcD than ICE.