Bryston B60

I am in the market for a int amp in the low to mid $1k range. When I went to a local shop, they had a Bryston B60, with MM phono stage and remote for $1,700. I called another dealer in the area and he quoted me $2,100k for a new one (w/o remote).

I have 2 questions:

1) I have seen a couple of 6-9 yr old B60's on audiogon for ~$800. Is there any difference between those and one that is 2 yeras old? I'm thinking I'm justified in offering 1.5k for the 2 yr old one at my dealer, no?

2) What other brands do others suggest, new or used.?

I know there's alot out there and its all up to my ears in making a decision. I listen to all types of music, rock, electronic, jazz, classical on CD and vinyl. I'm bringing my speakers (Signet floorstanding) to the dealer to hear the B60 soon(it was out on loan ot the time). At the shop on my initial visit I listed to some Rotel's and NAD's ($1,200 and $900). That was all they had in my price range. I didn't like the Rotel stuff, lsitened to a CD player too ... a little too bright to my ears. And I listed to everythign on $3k BW bookshelves, wish I had money for those too right now :)

THere are two other hi-fi dealers within driving distance. They carry Creek (5320, 1.5k), Music Fidelity, Arcam, Linn, a used Music Hall Mambo for 1k.

I'm also looking for a CD player, new or used, $500-1000. The dealer I went to had the Rega Planet for $900. Anything from Brands above I should consider?

well, I went and heard the Bryston B60 and the Rega Planet with my signet sl280's, very nice indeed. Then wen tot next shop, speakers in hand, and listened to Arcam cd72 paired with Arcam $700 int amp ... it sounded very nice, warm, very easy on the ears ... obviously not the detail and depth of the Bryston/Rega combo, but at $1000 less for the package, wouldnt be a bad choice (they didnt have the next step up in Arcam int amp at $,200, but would've been nice to hear) ... also listened to the MF A5 int amp ... very nice but I prefer the Bryston. Lastly while there, I listened to the Linn classic. If I only had $1,500 to spend for new CD and amp, I might go with this. Lacked the bass of everything else I heard, but there was something about it ... very nice to listen to.

So I'm still stuck on the Bryston, but would be pushing my budget to buy that at $1700.

Still wondering if I would notice any difference between a used 8-9 yr old unit for $800 and the 2 yr old unit available to me at $1700. And then there's always the worries of buying used online from someone who has a few positive comments on ebay/a'gon.

Any thoughts on Arcam cd72 vs Rega Planet, essentially the same price given the slight discount I could get on Planet.

Ugh, tough decisions!
I would have no hesitation buying a used Bryston from a well-established member w/exc. feedback. I would talk w/that person and ask a couple of questions. Original owner, box/manual/spec sheet/power-cord. Ask about shipping (possibility about double-boxing, even though the factory box is very good, I'd personally would perfer to have it double-boxed) Condition, whether the unit has needed any service work in the past, what was it used with and for how long, etc....Since the unit doesn't weigh a ton, you could easily send to Bryston for a check-up. Call up Bryston. Get a feel for the Company. I think for will be impressed w/their excellent customer service. **** You could also work w/your local dealer. Tell them you would like to buy local and support them but their asking price is too high. Offer $1100-1200. (I don't recall if the unit has a phono stage installed??? This may be why of the high asking price?) I would think they would accept such an offer. Good Luck! Bill
Hi Sandman,

I currently am using a B60 of 96/97 vintage biamped with an even older Bryston 2B-LP.

I have auditioned the following amplifiers in the recent past(<1yr): Arcam Delta 60 integrated, YBA Integrated, Cary SLI-80 integrated, Prima Luna 2 integrated, Creek 5350SE integrated, Channel Island Digital Monoblocks & Classe CAP-151 integrated.

Each and every one of the above have their strengths and weaknesses from a performance point of view. The Bryston B60's are as follows:

Transparency-you can hear into the music and differentiate all of the contributing instruments
Warmth-strange for solid state amplification but the Bryston adds a touch of warmth to the sound
Soundstaging-very good width and height with good depth
Musical-it has a way of drawing you into the performance and allows you to lose yourself in the music

Dimensionality-although it soundstages very well it does not possess that elusive 3-D palpability which tubes can add
Power-I have Totem Arros which are 86db efficient and are a 4 ohm load and I can tell when the amp is working hard especially on demanding material. This is the reason why I bi-amped the Arros with a Bryston 2B-LP. Now I have the dynamics along with improved soundstaging.

Very important if you do decide to purchase the Bryston, replace the pre-amp to amp jumpers/links with high purity copper or silver jumper wires terminated with quality rca plugs. This will increase the performance by as much as 10% or more. I used 99.99% pure cotton insulated silver wire in a twisted pair configuration and terminated with silver Eichmann for excellent results.

I hope my input helps.

"Very important if you do decide to purchase the Bryston, replace the pre-amp to amp jumpers/links with high purity copper or silver jumper wires terminated with quality rca plugs. "


where can I get these?
so I bought 4 year old Bryston on Agon. Looking forwarding to setting it up.

now onto a phono preamp and CD player!

I hear the Rega Planet on the bryston with my speakers and enjoyed. Want to get something used I think for 5-600, which I think I can with the introduction of the Appolo.