Does such a beast exist?

I'm looking for a half width or smaller pre amp with one input and two outputs. One of the outputs must be balanced (XLR). Active or passive, solid state or tube, does such a pre amp exist?
Some of the older Bent Audio transformer volume controls were setup that way.

You can ask Jeff to adapt output for you from his quite excellent PLC passive Sonic Euphoria.

Hope this helps
I would say if anyone makes one Cyrus does. Unfortunately they're quite rare on 'gon, though a bit more common on ebay.

Cyrus makes some really nice stuff, that's somewhat underrated.
Luminous Audio-Axiom preamp. Contact Tim at Luminous he can probably make one for you with two outputs.
Nuforce P-8 preamp is 1.75"H x 8.5"W x 16" deep, includes 1 set of single-ended and one set of balanced outputs, and retails for $1095. You can see the P-8 at in the products section.