which amp to upgrade my Levinson 383/39/WattPuppy6


i have a Mark Levinson 383 integrated, 39 CD proc, Wilson Watt Puppy 6, Transparent cable setup. my room is not is a fair size (22'x16' w/14' ceilings), but minimal rugs and lots of windows without curtains. the sound in this room tends to be on the bright side with all of the windows and no sound treatments.

even with the Levinsons, the sound feels a bit forward, almost bright sometimes, and i'm not getting enough "weight" in the bass (i seem to lose a lot under 30hz). assuming i can't do much with the room, what is the best way to help improve the sound. especially in the bass area. if i add a multi-hundred watt stereo or even mono-block amp, will this improve?

i prefer solid state over tubes, and mostly listen to standard cd's, mostly jazz, classical, house/trance.

i've been considering upgrading my amp (using the pre-amp in either the 383 or even 39) to a Krell FPB series, Classe CA-M400, Parasound JC 1, or Pass Labs 350. am i on the right track or should i be considering something else?

thanks in advance!

FWIW I found the 383 to be thin and grainy with a 'flat' quality to the imaging in two different systems. I think the Rowland Concentra easily bettered it which is just one example of a better solid state amp.
I'm not so sure the 383 has enough power for you. Maybe if you stepped up in a power, it might help?
I recently replaced my Levinson 331 with a McCormack DNA-500 to drive my Aerial 10Ts. The improvements wrought are substantial. You can finds many, many positive posts about the McCormack here, AudioCircle and AA.

I had the Levinson for quite a few years and really liked it a lot, but the DNA-500 took everything to the next level. For me, the biggest improvement was a major step toward recreating a live event. Far better dynamics, transient response and musicality. Definitely worth a listen!

great. thanks for the suggestion on the McCormack. i have certainly read good things about that amp as well.
You might also add a the BAT integrated to your list. It has a tube preamp stage with SS amp stage. I think this will give you the bottom end slam and weight you seem to desire.

The 6h30 tube version, the tubes should last 3-4 years, and when it's time to replace, it's plug and play. You'll really never know their are tubes inside...it's that maint free.

Good luck