What to get freinds into on the cheap?

Just wondering what folks out there might suggest for our "normal" freinds who think that spending what they would on a automobile versus us who spend same on a system or a component.Maybe Acurus DIA 100 II for $250?A set of Rotel or Adcom seprates used or a NAD integrated?Would like to reccomend a Jolida set up so the difference between that and their current Onkyon reciever is night and day but even their your talking not $500 or less but more like $750 or more.Geting a dcent set of speakers for them sell themselves.Slap a mass market CD and innexpensive wires and maybe they will join our insane club or simply be satisfied and not settle for a Aiwa mini system.Electronics seem to be the problem since cheap digital has gotten pretty good (realtiveley speaking time wise i.e. the fisrt CD players were terrible)).A set of speakers can be had for a reasonable sum and one can even get "good" sound from a Polk or Infinity if not a better set you drag over with denser cabinets and better components.So what to reccomend?Just spend $30 for a Harmon Kardon 330i from 1978?What to give as gift or reccomend to the folkks whom think were nuts even those who have heard our systems that cost as much as their new Camry.The integrated or seprates on the cheap for me are the problem.Any ideas?
First of all, set a realistic goal. You aren't going to turn your friends into audiophiles. (One or two might one day turn themselves into audiophiles, but encouragement/pressure from you will not do the trick.) Your goal should be to get them to better sound than they have now, whatever their budget is.

That means: No tubes. Tubes are for committed audiophiles, not for people whose friends want them to be audiophiles. Ditto any other non-current technology (except a turntable if they already own a bunch of vinyl). Keep it simple.

You say they already have an Onkyo receiver, and I'm sure they already have a DVD player. So speakers are the key here. How powerful is the Onkyo, and what speakers do they have right now? And what are they (or you, if it's a gift) willing to spend?
Why don't you ask your friends what their musical goals are and go from there? Since you aren't going to impress them with any of the electronics that you might think of and they won't hear the difference anyway, start with the speakers that will best meet their tastes. It is the speakers that is going to make or break their system!
Aiwa was one of the best mini's out there. Too bad Sony bought them out and eliminated the company. One way to get rid of the competition but Sony is the worse product. If you ever heard the Aiwa XR-EC12 properly setup you might be impressed for the $140 price tag. It won WhatHiFi's award for best mini in its class.
But that's the problem. The audiophile marketing "game" is to promote certain brands like Rotel as "audiophile" quality. So all the online and print mag's review NAD, Rotel, Cambridge which are pretty much junk (although I haven't heard them all) compared to Monarchy pro-70 ($618 new) or pro audio amps.
Do you really think Stereophile would ever review such equipment and open the eyes of their readers to the REALITY of hi-end? That modest "non-audiophile" stuff can compete with much more expensive "audiophile" branded stuff? NAW, gotta keep that aura of hi-end alive. The audiophile market drops 50% in 2 years so maybe the message is getting through. Sure Pass beats Sampson Servo 170 but it should at 100x the Sampson's price of $169.00.
Purely MHO, but once this audiophile stuff gets into your head, you loose reality about price vs. performance and most non-audiophiles have not been bitten by the bug and therefore have a more rational viewpoint on the situation.
I'm just putting this viewpoint out there as food for thought and don't expect people to agree with it.
I recently put my lowly Denon UD-M31 mini up against Mac 240 power amp (better than the 275) and tube pre. The Mac sounded a little better but the owner said he could happily live with the Denon had he not bought the Mac stuff. Agree with this or not, this is the viewpoint of most people out there.
Onkyo is really bright and annoying BTW.
Chazzbo, Here is a giant killer. Nuforce 9.02 or 8.02 amps.
These are mono blocks and are a new technology. If I were to start anyone down this path this is the first place I would go. I do not use a tuner with these and would not suggest it unless you can run a seperate antenna away from the amps. Giant killer is an understatement! You can find these used and get a great deal. All the Nuforce products are unbeleivable for the price. It all depends on what you are looking for and a price range. Signal cable is also a good buy. The cd player is going to be a big key here. I use an upgraded Denon 2900 right now but we are talking about $1500 but plays like a 10k player.
The audiophile market drops 50% in 2 years so maybe the message is getting through.
Just out of curiosity, where'd you get that figure? (I'm not disagreeing with you, by the way.)