What to get freinds into on the cheap?

Just wondering what folks out there might suggest for our "normal" freinds who think that spending what they would on a automobile versus us who spend same on a system or a component.Maybe Acurus DIA 100 II for $250?A set of Rotel or Adcom seprates used or a NAD integrated?Would like to reccomend a Jolida set up so the difference between that and their current Onkyon reciever is night and day but even their your talking not $500 or less but more like $750 or more.Geting a dcent set of speakers for them sell themselves.Slap a mass market CD and innexpensive wires and maybe they will join our insane club or simply be satisfied and not settle for a Aiwa mini system.Electronics seem to be the problem since cheap digital has gotten pretty good (realtiveley speaking time wise i.e. the fisrt CD players were terrible)).A set of speakers can be had for a reasonable sum and one can even get "good" sound from a Polk or Infinity if not a better set you drag over with denser cabinets and better components.So what to reccomend?Just spend $30 for a Harmon Kardon 330i from 1978?What to give as gift or reccomend to the folkks whom think were nuts even those who have heard our systems that cost as much as their new Camry.The integrated or seprates on the cheap for me are the problem.Any ideas?
The audiophile market drops 50% in 2 years so maybe the message is getting through.
Just out of curiosity, where'd you get that figure? (I'm not disagreeing with you, by the way.)
Pabelson, that was Stereophile's opening column 2-3 months back. I think it was John Atkinson who quoted 30-50% actually. You know, I'm sort of sorry I posted anything, just get annoyed sometimes.
I would keep it simple, here are three ''system recommendations, along the old ,'Good' ''Better'' ''Best'' method employed by Radio Shack 2O years ago ! Taking into account the goals of an ''inexpensive'' system of course:

''Good'' A NAD 320BEE integrated, Cd 541i cd player, and a pair of vinyl-clad speakers from Warfedale such as the now-discontinued Diamond 9.4, a nice floostander with serious sound for the money, performing above it's price point.

''Better'' Same integrated and cd player, PSB Image T55 speakers tower speakers - You are in B&W territory now for less money.

''Best''...for the money that is although this is now getting pricey... Arcam a-85 integrated, a steal for the price, Shanling cd-payer, (your friends WILL be impressed) , and the Polk Audio LSi 15 speaker, an incredible value in my book, with the superb and refined Ring Radiator tweeter found in much more expensive speakers, plus they look nice and sound huge and will fill the house with glowing sound. The Polk LSi series - forget the Polk name - put many higher prices speakers to shame. Check them out... Good luck!
Think you guys are all on the mark.Just think about what choices we have now versus 50's through 70's.It's just that mass market with component quality will somtimes get you so far but not "quite their".On other hand think about small $300 or less speakers and what they can do these days.Told JP1208 from above he may still be talking to much $$$ with the Nuforce for the neophyte but for us companies like this aren a godsend.Like Quicksilver in tubes it's nice to have pricing for technology that doesen't completely insult your intellgence.The Nuforce is an :"analogue" amp with clever new switching that supposedly makes great sound.Think companies that have finally produced good Class D like PS Audio and Bel Canto as well as processors that don't cost a fortune like the DEQX maybe the way of future (and I am a tube guy!).,The NHT sub /Sat system that blew everyone away and got best of show at CES a year or two ago had digital amps but real bang was the DEQX processiong which takes all signals digital and analogue and converts them to analogue then squeezes best poerformance out of companents made these little 4" sattelites and compact sub sound Class A and HUGE!Digital amps by PS Audio,Bel Canto are finally sounding good and geting good reviews unlike a few years ago when digital meant @#$%&! sound.With DEQX your not talking about amps but processor and line stage (if desired they be combines).At $3,600 processsor not only takes over your speakers crossovers and does it's magioc but alos does room corection for a hell of a lot less than other companies who do insult you with their pricing.Now if all that tech can filter down to a $1500 system we may see return of racj systems but ones whick will put our curent sperates thast cost multiples.Buddy of mine just got the DEQX and made an biopolar( or would compressed frames of foam like actione like Quads and Maggies be omni-pollar?Never remeber that one)set up with coil drivers and ribbons and said he would have had to pay 5 times the price from a speaker company and still not get the room correction.For fun he made a 20 year old pair of Dahlquist 20's sound as good as a pair of Clas A Inifinty Preludes he had on loan.So things my be getting better for us and even our freiunds who aren't audio dorks get new technology like kevelar and metal drivers in the speakers they buy so if I think about it it is a lot beter than I used to be.Onward HO!!!!!!
To make the post worthwhile, please let us know you suggested or got for your friend?