J.Rowland Is it possible to shut off the display

Ive got my JRDG Concerto yesterday, sounds great, but i don't know is it possible to shut off the display? Also I can't figure out how the balance control works?
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Ironically, I deactivated the balance control of my Concentra. I have no use for it, and, as it's only on the remote, I simply removed the two buttons and taped over the holes. That way, I can't accidently hit a button while attempting to change volume, etc., which neccesitates a re-setting of the amp in order to get back to the default balance (or you can do it by ear!).

As to the display shut-off on the Concentra, I was lucky enough to have bought it already configured that way. According to the manual, "your dealer can internally configure the display to turn off after five seconds from initiating any front panel [or remote] command." I'm sure it's fairly easy to do, but you will have to lug it to a dealer! On the other hand, if your handy, you might try calling the JRDG, and they may be able to talk you through it.

As an aside, I LOVE this amp.

again, I haven't used the Concerto, but the Concentra is designed to be left on all of the time, and I would guess that it is the same for yours.

Why would you deactivate the balance control? It's one of the amp's most useful features.
As I recall, from owning a Concentra II in the past, a chip has to be changed inside the unit to make the display turn off after 5 seconds; JRDG can provide you with the chip and intstructions on how to do it. JRDG gear is designed to be left on all the time, hence no on/off swith on the front.