Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Grannyring, would you please describe the type of sound you prefer in your system, i.e. clean and neutral (transparent), or colored and less transparent but with a somewhat warmer tonality?


So you say there is a remote for $300 then? It is not on mentioned in their pricelist or on their website. I've emailed Victor but haven't heard back from him. I guess I'll try again, or just, gasp, call them. By fully loaded you have the 2.0nB with gold pinned Siemens then?
Victor is usually very quick to respond to emails. He might be travelling. I'm sure that you'll hear from him soon. There are times that he travels and sometimes might take a day or so before he gets back with you, but he will because he's very considerate and concerned. By the way, I'm in agreement with Grannyring as to the sheer musicality and naturalness of the preamp. I only have the 2.0n, but I'm very content with the preamp.
Thank you. I always wondering how the TP2.0 compares to CJ 17LS2 or to CJ 16LS. I am glad to choice the TP2.0.
Tvad, I don't like like my system to white washed and "clean" sounding. Seems to me many define transparent as threadbare and sterile. I also don't like fuzzy and over-lush sound in my system. I seek a happy middle. Seems to me the AH preamp is just that. It is very transparent, but not in a sharp and attacking way. The notes have body , texture and weight, plus I experience a wonderful transparent intimacy to the music.

I love to hear all of the detail as if it is right before me and intimate. I want it performed with all of the natural weight and tone that draws me in. Seems so hard to get both, but my current system has both. The AH preamp is the piece that helped nail this.

Hope this helps.
