Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
If anyone is still experimenting with tube rolling in their TP 2.0 preamps, in my system I've yet to find a better tube for locations one and three than an early 60's Siemens Cca, but I recently bought a NOS pair of 60's Siemens E88CC with the A-frame halos and put them in locations two and four and the combination is really musical. The A-frames seem to have a larger soundstage with a little more airiness. This combo sounds better to me than all Cca's in the four positions. Here are some similar A-frames to the ones I found, except mine are date coded A3, while these are A6:
I'm still experimenting with output caps but for the time being I am back with the original upgraded Hovlands. I'm going to try two more caps and then make my final decision. Happy listening everyone. I hope you're enjoying your systems.
I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but in the new TP 2.1nB, Joseph has removed the AC filter. I'm curious about this as the filter was an original add-on upgrade in the 2.0 versions.

This has made for an extremely interesting three hours of reading today (which just happens to be a very hot, humid, rainy day). Since I’m in the market for a preamp for an analog system I’m putting together, I’m going to have to give this Audio Horizons preamp a listen to.
Thanks for your posts.

And why not complete your reading by enjoying the music by "Tesla" found on "My space".

The link : is shown unless AG removes it.
I wonder if the TP2.1 would improve the music quality of Tesla? Seem a bit bass shy!