Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.

Yeah for Joe. Nice to see a fellow audiophile making a change in life or at least surroundings.

Sherod, we wish you happy and prosperous New Year. Please let us know if you have a change of heart on the AH upgrade. You are a big influence on this thread perhaps more than you know.

Rx8man and Markwatkiss, best wishes to both of you.
Sherod glad your system is up and running, man it would be a real bummer for me and the wife to be with out music.
My AH speaker cables have fully broke in and no doubt Josephs wire is first class in build and sound very impressed.
I have Lossless PCs ordered since early Dec. Still no delivery. Looking forward to giving them a try hopefully soon.
Wishing all the very best sound this New Year.
Thank you all for the best wishes. I realize how influential that I've been since I was one of the early buyers of Joseph's preamp. I am still feeling positive about Joseph and his work. Victor is also very loyal to Joseph and he is a very considerate and helpful person for AH. I will keep you all posted on my journey with the AH preamp.
Thanks La45 !!

Sherod, you might get the upgraded version again, strange, maybe your amps had something to do with your original decision ?

This was slightly confusing to me, possibly to others ?
I'm sorry to have made this upgrade issue so confusing. Actually there was nothing wrong with my amps. The damage they suffered was caused during the shipment from me to the factory. All VAC did was replace a few resistors to a little better and quieter ones; basically to prevent future noise issues. I did, however, have a problem with my speakers. After returning them to the factory in Canada, they found the mid-woofers to have both voice coils to be strained. They rebuilt them for no charge and what's amazing is the speakers had already gone past their guarantee coverage. What a great company Reference 3A is. I want to get a feel for the sound once again of the original 2.0n version and after a while, I will replace the parts required to upgrade to the 2.1 version for a final evaluation. I apologize to those who were either considering an upgrade or were considering buying a new 2.1 preamp and were unsure because of my posts. So far, I have been the "only" one who had issues( sonically) with my upgraded preamp. Everyone else has been very happy when they have upgraded. So maybe I had wax in my ears during that time or I was so stressed out that I wasn't focusing on my listening. Just remember that for those who are considering in trying out a new preamp, Audio Horizons still offers a money-back guarantee, so for those newcomers who have been sitting on the fence waiting to try a preamp in this price range, I say go for it and don't hold back. I would imagine that Joseph is very busy, so if you want to upgrade your 2.0 versions to the 2.1 version, you had better call Victor now to find out what the queue is for Joseph's schedule. Before I put back in the 2.1n upgrade, I am going to replace the original internal wiring harness as that's the only thing left for me to have the original version back as it was. As an experiment, I am going to hear for myself the difference that the wire harness alone has on the sound. Stay tuned for an update.
Now Pat, don't wait for me. You do the upgrade and let us all know what you think. And hurry up with your decision on the new speakers ( Sasons) that you will be getting. I hope that you and the wifey got what you wanted from Santa.