Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I believe the only U.S. distributor currently is Madisound. The cap is the new MR line cap. The value I chose is 4.7uf, which Madisound sells for $118.00/ea. I have read that a German distributor, Capsandcoils, sells for roughly half that price. Here is a site to click on. The new MR caps are blue in color. Also, I highly recommend reading the white paper on their 2-year research and development.
I'm curious about Sherod's Clarity Caps and a tube-regulated or larger power supply option.

Anyone know Victor's contact number ?
I have a gut-feeling that an improved and more powerful power supply( quieter, with more dynamics and headroom) will be introduced by Joseph in his new preamp. Whether it is tube or SS regulated is a matter of taste, cost and preference. The power supply is very important in the make-up of a great preamp.
Sherods comments on the Clarity Cap MR are interesting. I've always felt that the Hovland could be improved upon, but don't have the stomach to be the pioneer. Thanks, Sherod for continuously taking the plunge. Interstingly, the "mystery caps" in the 2.1 have a copper cover on them so they are difficult to identify; however, the exposed ends seem to resemble the Clarity Cap APW. Just a coincidence I suppose.
