Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
One of the things I would like to remind all Audio Horizons product owners( and to all audiophiles in general) is to periodically clean all your cable connections. Depending on where you live regarding differing conditions of humidity, unless you use all gold-plated contacts or have your contacts covered with a specially formulated contact paste,i.e. Xtreme Quicksilver Gold, etc. I found a wonderful cleaner called Kontak. This product cleans off all oxidation with a couple of swabbings and dries instantly leaving no residue, and just as importantly, leaves no sonic signature like some cleaners I've tried. Once all your connections are properly cleaned and re-inserted, the overall sound opens up very nicely. This inexpensive tweak of contact cleaning is sometimes forgotten in the scheme of things as we look at other ways of improving our system. Have a great weekend, everyone, and hopefully this thread will continue with periodic posts of information from past, current, and future owners of the AH TP preamps. I have about 300 hours on my new Claritycap MR caps and will post a report soon.
So many of your have asked about further upgrades to the 2.0/2.1 that I'm happy to announce that next month Joseph will be offering two upgrades: 1) an extensive power supply upgrade packaged with other improvements, and 2) after auditioning the Clarity caps as per Sherod's pioneering efforts, we have been sufficiently impressed with their performance and with their excellent value that we have decided to offer them as part of a second package of upgrades. For more details and prices, drop me a line.

Thanks again for your continuing investigations and for your support.

I am pleased that you and Joseph have heard the merits of this new Claritycap MR. I have over 300 hours on mine and their transparency and superiority over previous caps have shown me the greatness of Joseph's preamp circuitry. I can go crazy with audiophile superlatives but as I mentioned to Pat in a private e-mail, our Rx8man here on this thread, this cap comes as close as you can get to sounding like "no cap", which theoretically, that's the way it should be. This output cap is supposed to let AC through and block out DC, and that's all. From top to bottom, this cap just lets more of the music get through to your speakers and in a most wonderful way, I might add. I have read that this cap will further improve up through the 500 hour mark. I can hardly wait.
Sherod thanks to your findings with clarity caps and Josephs announced upgrade Audio Horizon preamp users will be getting a better preamp, and to improve on what i hear now from my 2.1 NBR i cant wait. What i mean is i could not be more satifyed now with 2.1 hours on end with complete musical enjoyment.
Many thanks to you Sherod for your efforts and to you Victor and Joseph for the up coming improvements.
Hey, Mike. Thanks for the commendation. This was all a "labor of love" for me. I know that Joseph gets a little nervous when someone gets inside his preamp and messes with it, but I had a gut feeling about this new cap and wanted to hear how it sounded. If after it had broken in and didn't show any merit, I probably wouldn't have said anything about it. But when I heard just how much better it made an already great preamp sound, I just had to let the word out. I am happy( and more so, relieved) that both Joseph and Victor, after evaluating the cap, did indeed hear its potential. There was a possibility that neither of them would have liked the way this cap sounded in their system and I certainly would have come out of this thing with egg on his face. I am not a technician and don't know a lot about circuit designs and would never make an attempt to change that which Joseph, the Master, has designed. I look at this as a parts replacement tweak that only further refines and brings out an already great design. Kind of like experimenting with what power cords, interconnects and speaker cables work best in your system.