Acoustat Reference Preamp.

Does anyone know the history & qualities of this particular piece?
A friend of mine has one for sale in great shape for $250.00. Is this a good deal or bad?
See if he'll agree to let you try it in your system and then you'll be able to tell if it's worth it to YOU... I mean, since he's a friend and all.

Personally, if I were spending $250 on a preamp I'd buy a used B&K Pro 10. It's an excellent bang-for-the-buck unit.
I don't have an amp yet-- just an integrated. Maybe I'll bring my Snells over. Was it decent in it's time? It seems very well built and has a nice phone section.
I know the Acoustat amp had a very good reputation, but I'm really not familiar with the preamp. Based on Acoustat's reputation I would think it should be a decent sounding piece. Also check for things like heavy-duty gold-plated connectors and possibly a detachable AC cord as those items would make the preamp more desireable.

I have a couple of decent amps floating around my house that I may sell. E-mail me privately if you're interested.