Surge in Electric Bill

Am new owner of system driven by Cary SLI-80. When my wife opened our first bill after a month of use, she yelped! Ou bill had jumped 50%. Wonder if this could be caused by the Cary, whihc is played maybe 2 hrs. per day?
Take a look at your power bill and see what your total khw (kilowatt hour) useage was for the month with the Cary SLI-80 used. Compare the bill with the month before, or a couple of months before. Also check the number of days in the billing cycle. Chances are your utility company's "Energy charge", per khw, was higher for the month the bill was higher.

Also depending where you live colder weather, even with gas heat, the furnace motor runs longer and more often. That will increase the kwh useage.
Thanks to all of your responses.
Will show my wife, as she is the bookkeeper in this family.
Maybe she'll let me keep playing my music...
depending where you live utilities have increased their pricing dramatically this winter. Natural gas in the midwest is about double the price it was last year.
>>"Will show my wife, as she is the bookkeeper in this family.
Maybe she'll let me keep playing my music..."<<

LOL, You could always install a coin operated timer on the power feed to your audio equipment. Deposit 1 quarter for 2 hours of listening time....LOL