Does DK Design actually design and manufacture?

Or are they a packager of existing products?
Lrsky notes:
...we found many $.25 parts...
This is an indicative figure, I suppose. 0,25 for a mass purchased passive component is not cheap -- it sounds average. Chips used in cdp cost $~4 or less (but yuo have to buy a few 1000s).
I don't have plans to, and frankly don't have dates for it.
We will be at the Munich Show with our newly appointed Master European Distributor, John Jeffries, showing all of our products, including two additional new speakers, and a new amplifier.
May I indulge in a commercial please?
We reconfigured the crossovers on the LSA1's using the 'best' parts we could access, and did the same with the LSA2's, making for new versions of each, known as SIGNATURE Editions. The results are very pleasing.
We also, keeping the above post in mind, made an all out assault on the amplifier section as well as the pre section, added another set of Tube Load Circuits, and now have a STATEMENT Amplifier which will make its debut at the German Show in Munich.
This show is May 26th thru....?
Thanks for the question, and opportunity to tell about products.

Best Regards,
Larry R. Staples
LSA Group
In today's world "Cheap" often reflects an efficient manufacturing process rather than poor performance. Many people still think that quality requires a higher price, and therefore equate high price with quality. Audiophiles tend to be in that group of people.