Neat cheap amp suggestions . Help me have fun.

I have a system in a spare bedroom and would appreciate some advice on a neat power amp. Budget is less than $200.00. There are the obvious overseas contenders from NAD/Parasound/Adcom/Rotel. But I had hoped to get something a little more off the beaten path. I don't know, Musical Concepts modded Hafler, Sumo, perhaps even something weird. Ultimate power output will not be an issue, but it will need to have a bit of slam and not sound rolled off, a little bright would not be bad. I am just looking to have a bit of fun! Any suggestions? Any thoughts?
A really fun one that's also hard to find is the PS Audio Model 1. They can be spotted now and then on ebay for $140 or much less depending on condition. I had one a couple of years ago and regret selling it.

You may also be able to find a good B&P St140 for right around $200.
BD, mea culpa. You suggested the B&K ST-140 which I owned, when new, and could never get to drive my speakers of the time, Spica TC-50, cleanly. But it made me think of the Van Alstine MosFet 120B, the amp on which the B&K circuit was, ahem, based, to put it gently. The difference is that the Van Alstine only puts out 60wpc and, unlike the little B&K has plenty of current to below four ohms. It sounds both more powerful than the B&K and less fizzy, if you know what I mean. Somewhere in my garage, among all of the other audio detritus that I have stacked up, is one of these amps. I will put on my hip waders and see if I can find it this weekend. I still want a new fun toy though. The Van Alstine was a fun toy in 1972, but, at least it may buy me some time!
BD, I live in Portland Oregon, its a good day when I don't have to wear waders in the house!