Audio Refinement Complete owners: please advise

I would like to hear from other ARC owners RE: what speakers they are driving w/ this amp. I have received very conflicting suggestions and am not sure how to proceed. Can ARC handle large floor-standers such as Paradigm Ref. Studio 100V2, or am I confined to monitors with thsi integrated? My room is 17x28 w/ 15 ft. ceilings. I listen to acoustic Jazz, 60's/70/s rock, singer- songwriters (Hiatt, Thompson, Prine, etc.), some folk and country. Like some volume but not ear-bleed levels. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
S7, no version 1. The amp tends to congeal at rather moderate levels, I should give you more specifics, but I will not be home to take out my sound level meter tonight. Sounds fine on small jazz and folk and female vocal, OK on moderate progrock like Steely Dan. Useless on rock like Ten Years After, Hendrix, or Led Zep. Leave your Clash records at home. YMMV
I had an ARC as a back up to my back up amp. This was not to say that I did not use it, but rather I made the decision to simply my life. I actually set it up as a second system with Penaudio Charisma/Chara (87 db 4ohm load) in our family room/kitchen. It handled anything I threw at it. So my recommedation is to find 1-2 pair of speakers that YOU like and then see if they still souund good with the ARC in your room. I found that the amp mates best with a speaker that you may think is too good for a $1000 integrated. Your wires will make a difference too. Analysis Plus and Audience worked the best for me. Hope that this is not too much of a non-answer.
I use one in my second system, always with JMLab speakers. The speakers are currently Electra 907BE. As long as the speakers you are using are efficient, the ARC will work well.
Stay away from tough loads such as those that dip into lower than 6 ohms. Although some people claim that the AR complete can handle something lower than that, I had it running a pair of Gershman X-1 and SW-1 with efficiency 89 DB and lowest impedance dip being 5.6 ohms, but the AR Complete failed me, twice, having to send it back to the AR plus for fixing. Believe it or not, they claim that I overdrove the amp with a tough load, something that could not be said of an amp like AR Complete. For whatever it is worth, when it worked, the complete was excellent, jumpy, pratty, I would stay with mid efficiency 2 ways or high efficiency floorstanding...JM Labs, JM Reynauds and of course, Triangles come to mind, Living Voice is also an easy load.

PS: I bought and sold two AR Completes within 2 year spans, tried to love it, but the last one, with fixing and everything I felt shattered the image and the reviews that made it famous. Maybe the regular YBA integre was more reliable?
Hey Stuart - If it's not too late - I'm using Paradigm Studio 20's, and they sound absolutely amazing with the Complete. Very easy to listen to, detailed without the fatigue. And yes, they do play quite loud. I've never turned it past 2 o'clock. And that was waaay loud.

FYI I think the Paradigm Studio 20's are rated 88. Haven't tried it yet on my Audio Note AZ-Twos - rated 93.
