Do you approve of "How Stereophile Market itself"?

I was moderate subscriber to Stereophile over that last two years or so, but recently cancelled my subscribtion around Dec of 2001. Like most ex-subscribers I received many junk mail about renewing my subscription, but never thought much of it.

Yesterday, I received a letter from the National Credit Audit Company (NCAC), stating that they were collecting on behalf of Stereophile. This frustrated me because I had already cancelled my subscription and haven't received new copies for months. I initially thought it was a timing issue or some clerks at Stereophile forgot to cancel my subscription and now my credit history will be affected by all this. It wasn't until I called NCAC, dealt with the annoying automated operator, then realized that it was just another ploy to get me to sign up for another subscription. NCAC went further to state that they're a normal credit collector and will not report or make any contact to the credit report people. I can't believe Stereophile would steep so low with this type of marketing ployed. Any of you ever experienced this frustrating ordeal?
3chihuahuas (love your handle), Just what I would expect.

You certainly show good taste in canceling your subscription to that pretentious rag. It's done more to replace audio innovation with marketing hype than any other source. Don't you worry about folks who buy stuff based on those ratings?

I remain,
at 12 bucks a year come on guys. it may not be that great but if you have a couple good reviews it is worth that.
Along the lines of "stooping so low", Stereophile routinely sells their customers info to junkmailers, even AFTER you have told them NOT. Better yet, even after you have told them not to, for a second time, they then do it again. They told us we have to call every year to be removed from their list, which we never asked to be on, and that we specifically told them NOT to put us in in the first place.
These are non affiliated third parties.

National Credit Audit Company (NCAC)?
Their threats carry less weight than the paper they are written on.
You could only hope they would mark your credit and cause you to be turned
down for a loan as a result. That would mean a a nice out of court settlement for you.

This is so absurd. All this nonsense because
we wanted to pay Stereofool for their publication?
It's too bad they carry as much weight as they do.
I too decided to let my subscription run out. Even at 12 dollars per year it is not worth it. The quality has gone way down hill, and selling my info to junk mailers did not make me to happy either even with repeated requests not to. I think more people are seeing the light and they no longer carry the weight they used to.
I had a similar experience with LISTENER. I accepted their offer to send me a free copy. About two weeks later I recieved the same copy I got the coupon out of. I didnt respond and verify that I wanted to subscribe. First came the reminder notes, one after another. Then came threats concerning my credit. I got the CNAC letter (or something like it). I liked the mag and might have tried it if they hadnt sent me the copy I already bought. Bad marketing, even if the threats scare you, who wants to give money to someone who would do you like that?