McIntosh C100, Ayre K1 or Mark Levinson 380/380S?

Anybody have any views on the relative merits of the McIntosh C100, Ayre K1 or Mark Levinson 380/380S pre amps? Would be interested in opinions about which to choose.
I have a K1xe for a few years now (updated from a K1), and it's bullet proof and fabulous.
Kurt's made some great fundamental points. FYI if remote control becomes a must have, I'd like to point out that the Ayre's remote is, I believe, a gear driven motor turning attenuators, maintaining the purity of one of the most important components within any preamplifier.

How bout another fly in the ointment? This is a little known brand built personally by the designer. Don't be frightened by the obscurity of its popularity. Many others and myself have owned his work for many years and his support is outstanding. Do a search over at AA, there is one post where this pre is compared with the K1 and a couple of other top tier pre's.
Many thanks all for your thoughts and comments. I did eventually make a decision and, for better or worse, managed to get a very good deal on a McIntosh C200. So far I am pleased with my choice and it has certainly got me raiding my CD collection again!
Best regards
You made a great choice! The C200 is much better than the C100. I always felt the latter was veiled. The C200 is a world class music maker. I would like to have one myself!
