Thiel 1.6 vs. 2.4 vs. 3.6 using NAD c372

I am considering a combination of Thiel speakers and a NAD c372 integrated amp. My questions are:

1. In a fairly small room (16' x 13') with the speakers unfortunately along the longer wall, what are the thoughts about the Thiel 1.6, 2.4 and 3.6 speakers?

2. Why are used 3.6 speakers now offered in a similar price range as the used 1.6 models?

3. How do you think the Thiels will match up with the NAD c 372 integrated amp? Which of the three speaker models might match up the best, if any?

I have a pair of Thiel CS 2.4's I am very happy usuing a bryston 3b sst poweramp and bp25 pre. Vinyl sounds alive, Imaging is amazing "wall to wall"
I have a similer sized room as you, a little bit smaller. Placement of speakers about 3 feet from each wall, about 6 feet apart. I am sitting about 8 feet away from the speakers, enough distance for the drivers to integrate.
I highly suggest the 2.4s
3.6 requires lots of space and a BEEFY amp, my bryston would be the bare minimum. the 1.6's lack the great bass the 2.4s have.

Good luck...
I own the 1.6's and am extremely happy with them. Their midrange and highs are excellent and very detailed. The bass is tight and accurate, but does not extend into the low end. I do have a subwoofer integrated into my system and have been able to match it very well with the 1.6 to get that extended bass response.

That being said, the 2.4's are superb. The 3.6's are also excellent speakers that have been a staple in Thiel's lineup for many, many, years and are just now being replaced by the 3.7's which are not officially released yet.

Thiel speakers require good quality amplification to sound their best. I originally drove my 1.6's with a Denon AVR-3300 receiver which surprisingly worked quite well. The downside was that the amp in the receiver tended to get hot and the sound was a bit thin, but it did work. I ended up buying a used Acurus 100x3 amplifier and that has made all the difference in the world with these speakers.

As to why the 3.6's have dropped into the same range as the 1.6's on the used market....I think it's because the 3.6 is now discontinued due to the imminent arrival of the 3.7, and also that the 3.6 uses older driver technology as compared to the rest of the line. The 1.6 is a current product still.
The 3.6 offered on Audiogon are much older than the 1.6 :usualy between 5 and 15 years old , the 1.6 are less then 5 years old.
That`s why they are offered in the same pricerange.
When I auditioned the 2.4 model for I'd say a couple of hrs. and then asked if the 1.6 pair could be plugged in just for kicks (thought I'd save) I was almost embarrased. The 2.4 packs a whole lot for it's size and cannot see myself wanting more out of a set of spks. for at least the rest of my life. I think with the size room you have they will be able to really sing if you set them up properlly. I also think that with an 10x11ft room like I have mine setup in may be restricting them somewhat but admit it still sounds great to these ears.
IMO, either the 2.4 or 3.6 will be a little to much speaker for your room. But if you do go with one of these I like the 2.4 more. I would get either the 1.6.....or even better, The 3-way monitor PCS for your room. These speakers (PCS) are awesome! Also might find them being closed out right now at a better than usual price. A small sub can always be added if you feel the need. Sometimes less is more with speakers.(depending on room size)