Thiel 1.6 vs. 2.4 vs. 3.6 using NAD c372

I am considering a combination of Thiel speakers and a NAD c372 integrated amp. My questions are:

1. In a fairly small room (16' x 13') with the speakers unfortunately along the longer wall, what are the thoughts about the Thiel 1.6, 2.4 and 3.6 speakers?

2. Why are used 3.6 speakers now offered in a similar price range as the used 1.6 models?

3. How do you think the Thiels will match up with the NAD c 372 integrated amp? Which of the three speaker models might match up the best, if any?

I own a pair of Thiel 3.6cs. They come with a subtle, but most likely, unadvertised bill: you need a serious amp to best drive them! And (no offense) an NAD ain't gonna cut it. I'm currently in the process of moving from an Aragon 4004 to a Krell FPB300 to best appreciate them, and btw, they also like to have a reasonably sized room to fully sing. So, my best advice is stick with the smaller speakers in a smaller room.
Don't blame Thiel: Jim is very clear about the need to use amps that double current output as the impedance halves.

Plus it is the dealer's reponsibility to make sure that customers have the appropriate partnering amplifier. If the dealer doesn't do this, crappy dealer.
Yep, Jerry and Steve are absolutely correct. I drove my 3.6's with 200 watts of Classe and then went to 500 watt mono's with Mcintosh and the difference was not subtle.
I have the Emotiva MPS-1 7-Cha with 200W/300W for 8ohm/4ohm amp. I've been interested in the used CS3.6 or 1.6. I know the MPS-1 is not in the same league as Krell or EAD or Bryston, etc, but would the MPS-1 be sufficient to drive these speakers? Anyone have experience pairing similarly?

another +vote for the CS 2.4 speaker. It will allow you to move up on the gear end w/o sacrificing the speaker end. My 1st Thiel demo and 1st impression of the 2.4 was on a Creek integrated/ NAD cd spinner.

This was a very good combination even though the Creek was under-powered. Still, I was struck like a bolt of lightening. IMO, the 2.4 gets "timbre" right. I seek micro detail, dynamics and timbre.