Machina Dynamic Brilliant Pebbles?

From the same company that offers the "Clever little clock" tweak.

Check them out in today's auctions...

Anybody have experience with any of this company's products?
These rocks come out of the heads of the clever little clock buyers. So they must be good.
Dopogue, like so many tweaks, resonances seem to be the explanation. The same goes for speakers and suspending wires; doesn't it.

I really don't know what is going on nor is our scientific explanation of much use. Trust your ears has always been my guiding principle. I bought these second hand having not heard a demonstration. The added and thus stayed. The same goes for the Intellegent Chip and in some applications the Shun Mook Mpingo pucks. I just cannot bring myself to try the Clever Little Clock, however, unless I hear a demonstration first.
Tgb - just wanted to mention, esp. as you apparently have not found the pebbles to be particularly effective in your setup, that all cooton and rubber seals should be removed from the bottles prior to placing them in the room/system; These materials are strictly for shipping.

In addition, as I don't recollect actually selling the Bottles (directly) to you (I could be mistaken on that point and please correct me if I'm wrong), you may not have the complete instructions/suggestions for use that I provide to customers. If this is the case, you might be interested to know that an especially effective location for one of the large or medium size bottles is on top of the Transport or Player directly over the spindle of the transport.

Cheers - GK

Tbg said
I bought these second hand having not heard a demonstration.
