NuForce Popping

I am interested in these products but has anybody heard of NuForce products popping? I went to a store that was supposed to carry them and the sales person mentioned they had them for auditioning but decided to not carry their products as every NuForce product popped (amps, preamps, integrateds). Maybe that's why there are so many for sale.
The initial batch of preamps and integrateds had some minor design oversights. These were all fixed with a simple swap of the faceplate. Otherwise, the sound quality from these products is simply stellar for their price.

I just received my 9SE's very recently, and I think they are still breaking in, so please keep that in mind.

My feeling is that they are an improvement over the 9.02's, which I considered excellent amplifiers.

For whatever reason, the 9SE's are the quietest NuForce amps I have tried to date. No turn-on pops and extremely low noise floor, but a funny (and minor) turn-off noise, which is not loud by any means.

The bass seems to be world class. It is the most articulate, tuneful and punchy bass I've ever heard from my system. It is a bit better than the 9.02 in that regard. The midrange seems very close to the 9.02, but perhaps just a little sweeter sounding. The highs are very extended, detailed, and focused. The clarity is superb.

These are lightening fast amps that deliver very well delineated dynamic contrasts, articulation, detail, and a huge soundstage (soundstage size is about the same as the 9.02, which was a strong point of the amp).

All in all, I believe it's another small step forward in the evolution of the NuForce design. Perhaps more break-in will reveal even more about the 9SE's considerable virtues.
Thanks for all your help. It's always useful to get the opinions first hand from those that own the products. You are right in that the store may have decided to not carry them as it may hurt sales of other products but I won't bother going there. There are some other other dealers in the area so I'll try them out. I was just curious on some of the things that I heard. I'm sure the amps are as very good and that NuForce are making changes to constantly improve an innovating product.