Which integrated: Nait 5i, Panache or Shanling?

Ok, my eight-year-old Denon receiver died, so I finally have to pull the trigger on a new amp of some sort. I'm looking for an integrated amp in the $1,500 to $2,000 range. I'd prefer something used to save money.

I think I've finally narrowed my choice to the Naim Nait 5i, the Portal Audio Panache or the Shanling STP-80.

I have B&W 601 speakers and a cheap cd player. Both the speakers and the cd player are candidates for upgrading. Oh, this will be in a small to medium sized room.

One more thing, I namely listen to classical and jazz, though my tastes are really eclectic and I listen to lots of indie rock (but most of it isn't well-recorded...)

Aren't B&W 601s a bit harsh in the upper ranges? I'd prefer the tube Shanling, but would go with a Cayin (best?) or Norh labeled (best deal?) tube integrated before the Shanling unless you were getting a good used deal.
If you're using a cheap CD player, perhaps your best bet would be a Music Hall Mambo, which not only sounds great but also has a built-in DAC, so you would be effectively upgrading your source as well.

I like the Naim Nait 5, it is a very good amplifier. However, I dont have the slightest idea how it would work with your speakers. None the less, as much I heard BW, I dont think that is an ideal speaker for classical. I would also look for a proac speaker, for example, and pair it with naim. That I think would be a nice combo, maybe better than BW with any amp.