Cheap, home-made component stand....

Would this work?

Simply take a maple cutting board and run a brass screw through each corner for legs. If your components are relatively heavy, just add an identical cutting board on top of the first for added stability.
basically that's what I made... sometimes called a flexy design (DIY).

I built shelves out of 1X2's glued up like butcher block, drilled holes in the corners & used threated rods & nuts to hold it together.

You can see it in my virtual system.

good luck,
Bgrazman...Nice looking rack and gear. I`m putting together a two channel main system that would have just two components, an int. amp and cdp. I`d like to keep the space between the speakers open so I figured I`d build a couple of low slung stands, one for each component. That would bring their height just a few inches up, thereby, enabling a more realistic sound stage. I don`t want to particularly run long cable by putting the gear to the side. Since most of my budget will go for main gear, I was trying to figure out a cheap way to bring the amp and cdp close to the floor and still be decoupled. I`m new at this. Thanks for your input. I need all the help I can get.

Thanks Schipo, but for my application, I want something low and with spikes, I think. Man, those little tables look like a great bargain tho!